After An Accident Is The Wrong Time To Ask The Question, Do You Have Enough Car Insurance?
by admin“Do you have enough car insurance?” is not a question you want to ask when you are standing on the side of the road after an accident that may have been your fault. The damage is literally done and what it is going to cost is very much still up in the air. You are a responsible motorist, so of course you have car insurance, and not just because it is mandated by law, but will it be enough? The $200,000 mandated minimum liability coverage is a start, but what if the car damage and personal injury claims of the person you hit add up to way more than that? It has been known to happen and then their lawyers can come for your other assets? Do you have other assets you can sacrifice to this accident? Maybe on the side of the road after the accident has happened is a little late to wonder if you do have enough car insurance.
It is not that you re a terrible driver, you can be an extremely safe driver and still be capable of causing an accident. This can be for many reasons that have nothing to do with your ability behind the wheel. There are the environmental factors to consider, such as wet roads or the sun that can shine straight in your eyes, no matter what you try to do to keep it out. There is snow and ice to think about and that thick fog that can come out of nowhere. Maybe your daily commute has suddenly become longer and you are not used to being on the road this long. This can lead to tiredness and that can lead to accidents. It can also be a slip-up on your part that puts you on the wrong side of an insurance claim. What if you had a momentary distraction and looked away to change the radio station or adjust your air conditioning?
There are so many coverage options out there for you to choose from to make sure that you are covered, no matter what the cause might be for the accident. This can mean the difference between losing your car, or losing not just your car, but other assets as well. Look into some extra coverage. If you don’t know where to start, look at Prime Insurance who will help you answer the question “Do you have enough car insurance?”